raka, anaknya tante nuke kena roseola. sempet ngobrol2, dan emang ya mau googling ttg roseola itu pasti bingung awalnya. buat yg belum tau, pasti kepikirannya cuma campak.
jdlah bunda iseng2 ngasih link symptom checker mayoclinic ke tante nuke. sitenya ada disini.
trus iseng2 jg bunda coba isi, symptom pertamanya fever, trus pindah ke page kedua dan mesti ngisi symptom berikutnya. cuma disitu gak ada fatigue atau lemes atau apa gitu yg berbau2 lemes. jdlah bunda coba pilih "loss of appetite" aja, trus klik "find cause".
akhirnya sampe ke page hasilnya. ada 4 nama penyakit disitu, dan penyakit ketiganya roseola. hehe, berarti berhasil nih nyarinya :D
di masing2 penyakit itu bisa klik "see associated factors" buat liat symptom2 lain yg mengiringi penyakit2 itu. dan tebak!!! ternyata di roseola ada symptom "Accompanied by swollen glands (lymph nodes) in neck"!!!
ya Allah.. ternyata selama ini ilmu itu ada disitu!! sementara dulu waktu aida roseola, bunda dan ayah (bunda terutama sih :P) setengah mati googling sana-sini tentang swollen glands itu!! sampe sempet divonis tbc sama dokter yg di ypk itu. googling sana sini, tanya sana sini, akhirnya aida ke prof bambang spesialis paru anak yg ngantrinya naudzubillah, dan harus test mantoux yg sakit banget itu. untungnya, alhamdulillah, test mantouxnya negatif (makasih banyak banget buat tante cut yg udah ngasih tau ttg prof bambang :*)
duh nak, maafin bunda ya nak, bodoh banget emang bundamu ini nak :(
untuuunnngggg aja, alhamdulillah, dulu gak menyerah dg vonis tbc, klo nggak duh dosa besar banget ya bundamu ini :(
bismillah, demi aidaku, taun baru ini bunda harus makin pintar! :)
12 January 2010
07 January 2010
learning style
Kinesthetic Learners
Kinesthetic learners process information and solve problems most efficiently when they turn learning into a hands-on activity. Try some of these kinesthetic learning strategies.
Get a grip on it. If you can, choose projects that let you use your hands. If you are studying the solar system, for instance, build a model of it.
Get more from reading. When you read, follow along with your fingers or a bookmark to boost comprehension. Use bright colors to underline, circle, and highlight concepts. Rewrite relevant facts or key concepts in your own words. Act out a passage from a book you are assigned or put on a skit to demonstrate what you are studying.
Take a break. To focus better and avoid boredom, study for a short time (no longer than thirty minutes), and then take a physical activity break.
Explore. Take field trips. Look for exhibits or programs that relate to topics you are learning about in class. For instance, if you are studying ancient Egypt, go to a museum that has ancient Egyptian artifacts.
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